WeChat Community Support

Ongoing Support
Our WeChat Community is a 24/7 support network for spouses. Whether they need answers to a cultural puzzle or quick tips, help is always at their fingertips. This community offers real-time advice, access to coaches, and peer support from experienced expats.
Spouses can ask questions, share their experiences, and tap into a network of experts anytime, anywhere.

What’s Include - The WeChat Community features live Q&As, expert-led discussions, and peer support. Members can ask those "is this normal?" questions without hesitation. Regular virtual events also cover crucial topics like healthcare, education, and daily life in China.
Instant advice, insider tips, and a network that truly understands the highs and lows of expat life in China. It’s like having a team of expat friends on speed dial.
Core Benefits
Julie m’a accompagnée pour un coaching de carrière, durant 4 mois ponctués d’échanges réguliers en ligne. Elle m’a guidée dans mes réflexions professionnelles et m’a partagée des conseils pratiques. Grâce à son écoute, son empathie et son positivisme, elle sait (re)donner confiance.
Laetitia B., France

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is China Expat Spouse?
China Expat Spouse is a service company supporting companies with their China business by preparing and accompanying their expats’ spouses before, during, and after their move to China. We are passionate about helping you succeed in the Chinese market by supporting your expat spouses’ transition and helping them find their place, purpose, and passion in China.
How does your service work?
We offer services helping expats and their families prepare and go through an assignment to China. Our process is effective and tailormade for your company.
How much do your services cost?
Our pricing varies depending on the service scope your company requires. We offer a variety of options to fit your needs and budget. Please contact us to book a needs assessment call. All our quotes are based on the individual requirements of our client companies.
Do you offer digital self-coaching courses?
Unfortunately, we don’t currently offer digital courses for self-coaching. However, we offer group coaching services, which may be helpful and are very cost-effective.
How can I contact you?
You can reach us at julie@chinaexpatspouse.com
+86 152 0400 1727. We are always happy to answer your questions.
My office
Ji’an Road 42-1, No. 2-3
Heping District Shenyang City Liaoning Province CHINA
In der Zennwies 2, 66629 Freisen, Germany

Intercultural Experts