What is coaching?

The most basic description of coaching is that of a process that improves making and implementing decisions. It focuses on the present and immediate future, is self-driven, and gives all the power to the one who is being coached.

Some confusion persists about the differences between what a psychiatrist, a coach, and a consultant do. So, let me clear that up for you.

Therapy vs. Coaching vs. Consulting

When you go to therapy, your therapist decides which topics you and he or she talk about. These topics will often focus on your past, and the therapy will help you heal wounds or come to terms with difficult things you have encountered earlier in your life.

Coaching, on the other hand, is not driven by the coach. It is the client who decides what the topic of a coaching session should be, the client who sets the goal for the session, and the client who determines what a successful session outcome will look like. Coaching is not focused on the past, but on the ‘here and now’ and how the client can make it better for themselves.

Consulting has yet another focus. A consultant is someone who will already have answers to the client’s problems, and can give step-by-step instructions on how to solve the issues the client has. In consulting, the main focus of a session (after a brief gathering of information so the consultant understands the problem) is on the immediate and distant future.

The advantages of coaching

Coaching is empowering. Your coach fully believes that you are capable of resolving your issues and reach the goals you set yourself. A good coach will cheer you on, support you with the right questions at the right time, and reflect back your own words in a way that lets you see connections and gives you insights.

Coaching is self-driven. You as the client have all the power. You decide which topics you want to discuss, how deep you want to delve into an issue, what decisions you make, how you want your coach to show up for you.

Coaching is effective. Your coach helps you (re-)discover your strengths. As per your agreement with your coach, they will lend you support, hold you accountable, challenge you, point you in the right direction for finding the answers and tools you need, and give you encouragement when you need it.

But coaching doesn’t work!

I often hear people complain about how coaching does not work. It is true that hiring a coach is not a panacea for any type of situation. Coaching can only work if

you are committed to making changes in your life

you are convinced it can help you

you trust your coach to support you

you are open and honest with your coach about what you want

you find the time to invest in yourself

you follow through on the goals you set yourself (with the help of your coach, who will hold you accountable)

How does it work?

Coaching sessions are usually between 30 and 90 minutes. An initial session might be longer (approx. 2 hours), to set initial goals and direction. All sessions can be face to face (via Skype, Zoom, WeChat, or other software or in person) or by phone.

To sustain development, a minimum of 10 sessions (once a week) is recommended.

If you want to try out whether coaching is for you, book a complimentary 20-minute session today.

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